¿Tienes una idea para combatir el alto desempleo? ¿Crees que podrías mejorar las condiciones de trabajo de personas atrapadas en trabajos mal pagados - ya sea debido a su género, edad, condición social o discapacidad? ¿Sabes cómo mejorar las oportunidades para los 27 millones de europeos actualmente sin trabajo?

Dear social innovation supporters,
Ten days ago, we launched together the Second European Social Innovation Competition in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos. If you want to remember that day, or if you could not make it but would like to catch up, you can find presentations and pictures of the Milan launch event.
Since then, we have already received the first entries and we are glad to announce that the 3 prizes have been raised to EUR 30,000 each!
Wondering whether to apply? Have a look at the COMPETITION WEBSITE.
It is open to everyone legally established or residing in the EU Member States – or in countries that established an agreement to participate in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (see list) – including individuals, organisations or unconstituted groups.
8 questions and 1,000 words: that's how far you may be from winning one of the 3 prizes... Remember as well that the 30 semi-finalists receive support and mentoring to make their idea a real project. You can submit your idea(s) until 11 December 2013 at noon. Don't wait for the last minute, take your chance!
And if you know people interested in social innovation and keen to find solutions, share this message. The best way to stay informed is to follow us on Twitter @EUSocialInnov #diogochallenge.
Europe needs each one of us, let's overcome the Job Challenge!
Good luck!
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